Катя, просто ты маешься хуйней, идя вверх по эскалатору, ведущему вниз (c) Муся Коган
Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day Plot Revealed

"You kind of wonder what has happened to the brothers... They havebeen living way back in the valleys of Ireland with their father on afamily run sheep farm, way beyond the reach of technology or men. Wayout there. It's been sort of a bucolic existence, hard workingpioneer-esque type stuff. They have long hair and beards, and stufflike that. You get the sense that they've been hibernating to come back"

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ннене, девид блейн... если на long hair я очень даже согласна, то на beards - ни в коем случае!!

ой, с кем я пыталась вспомнить, сколько мальчикам лет?

Sean Patrick Flanery »
Date of Birth - 11 October 1965, Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA
Height - 5' 11" (1.80 m)

Norman Mark Reedus »
Date of Birth - 6 January 1969
Height - 5' 10" (1.78 m)

эммм.... оно, конечно, уже и не мальчики совсем, да...